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A podcast featuring interviews with experts across technology, industry, economics, policy and more.
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Latest Episodes

Ep 427: Andrew Storer - CEO, Nuclear AMRC
December 12, 2023
December 12, 2023
1) What has changed in the world of nuclear since Andrew last appeared on Titans, as well as some updates on Andrew’s current work and travel
2) How political landscapes and changes can affect the way we build new nuclear
3) The past 5 years of Andrew’s work in the UK - Submarines, research innovation, and reducing time and cost
4) What the future holds for the Nuclear AMRC and what Andrew is most excited to see in the coming years...

Ep 426: John Ahlberg - Founder and CSO, Kärnfull Next
December 5, 2023
December 5, 2023
1) A reintroduction to John Ahlberg, a former Titan from 2020
2) Kärnfull’s target market for deployment and a look into Nordic nuclear
3) District heating in Sweden and the different applications and customers of nuclear energy
4) The pro-nuclear landscape in Sweden and what the landscape looks like in neighboring regions, as well as a quick discussion of COP28...

Ep 425: Carlo Wolters - CEO, Elektriciteits Produktiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland
November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
1) Carlo’s educational background and his early start in coal gasification, as well as a desire to travel internationally
2) The biggest lesson Carlo learned from being exposed to a wide variety of energy assets and different modes of operation
3) How the nuclear industry can learn from the best practices of other industries, as well as the different lens Carlo brought to his first experiences in nuclear
4) The nuclear energy landscape in the Net...

Ep. 424, Next Generation Titans: Will Shackel, Nuclear for Australia
November 7, 2023
November 7, 2023
1) Will’s journey learning about nuclear energy in Australia and his founding of Nuclear for Australia
2) A discussion of why Australia should lift the ban on nuclear energy, nuclear submarines, and a letter to the Prime Minister
3) What Will has learned as a 17-year-old founder and his strategies for advocacy and debate
4) Will’s vision for the future of nuclear energy, how to support Nuclear for Australia, and an important message for those int...

Ep. 423, Next Generation Titans: Natalie Cannon, Georgia Institute of Technology
October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023
1) Natalie’s last minute switch from film to STEM - How she settled on nuclear engineering
2) An exploration of manufacturing techniques, finding mentors, and invaluable pieces of advice
3) Natalie’s research and a dive into neutron noise, criticality, and robots
4) Celebrating past accomplishments and looking toward what younger generations can help achieve in the future...
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